Evergreen Underground Water Conservation District

Scholarship Opportunity

Submit your photo essay by  April 22


Join the Team

The EUWCD seeks a highly motivated team member to assist with permit processing, data managment, and outreach.

Job Description and Details

Register for the Driller's Luncheon

Receive updates on district rules, permit processes, and upcoming changes. 



"...for the purpose of conserving, preserving, protecting, and recharging the underground water in the district."

Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, and Wilson counties rely on the local groundwater supplies to meet their drinking water, industrial, agricultural, domestic, and livestock needs. The District believes this valuable resource can be managed in a reasonable manner through conservation, education, and regulation. The District directs its efforts for the conservation, preservation, protection, recharging, and prevention of waste of groundwater in groundwater reservoirs or their subdivisions. 

The District’s rules and management plan are based on the best available science, within the laws and rules in effect. The overall management goal will be a sustainable supply of water from local groundwater resources, while recognizing the need to balance protection of rights of private landowners with the responsibility of managing the area’s groundwater resources for future generations.

The District is pro-active, investing in the science necessary for science based policy-making.

The District implements rules through a permit program that manages well and groundwater use within the jurisdicttion.

The District educates and supports the public to ensure a sustainable and safe supply of groundwater.

Other Associated Organizations

Groundwater Mandagment Area 13

The Evergreen participates in the Groundwater Management Area 13 for regional science and planning to conserve and protect groundwater.

Groundwater Mandagment Area 15

The Evergreen participates in the Groundwater Management Area 15 for regional science and planning to conserve and protect groundwater.

South Texas Weather Modfication Association

The Evergreen's District Management Plan identifies precipitation enhancement to assist in water conservation.

The Notice To Purchaser provides notice to a buyer prior to the buyer entering into a sales contract that the property is located within a district.